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Category: Armaa.N Vineyard

Wines go to sleep for the winter
The Vines go to sleep for the season

It’s a quiet period on the vineyard as the vines are beginning to go dormant in preparation for the upcoming winter. Cover crops were recently planted into the soil to add nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil.

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Grafting New Budwood
Training Our Young Vines

Disking incorporates the green material and our beautiful, nitrogen-rich cover crop into the soil – adding organic matter that will compost itself and break down into more nutrients and help our water storing capacity.

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LXV Wine Tasting in Paso Robles
Where did all the mustard go?

Disking incorporates the green material and our beautiful, nitrogen-rich cover crop into the soil – adding organic matter that will compost itself and break down into more nutrients and help our water storing capacity.

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